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hearing well in noise?

Age is not the only factor for deciding when you should get a hearing test

By David Bryce on 20th June 2016

People are inclined to think that hearing loss is just a problem for older people and put off a hearing test for that reason. While there is some truth in that, it is also true that you can suffer from hearing loss at any time during your life. There are actually many factors that can cause hearing loss or that have an effect on your hearing. So it is actually a good idea to have your hearing tested throughout your adult life. The main issue is that hearing loss is a slow process that is difficult to notice.

A slow process


Hearing loss more often than not occurs gradually and few who suffer from it realise that it is happening.  It is for this reason that regular hearing tests are important, they give early warning if there is a problem. There are certain reasons why you should consider getting a hearing test beyond you thinking there is a problem. For instance, if you suffer from certain health problems it is a good idea to monitor your hearing. Another factor is noise exposure if you are regularly exposed to noise whether at work or at play, it is a good idea to monitor your hearing. Let's take a look at why. 

Hearing Loss and Health

As I said, certain medical conditions are associated with an increased chance of hearing loss. For instance, the chance of hearing loss is increased if you have cardiovascular disease, it is also increased if you suffer from diabetes. If you suffer from either of these conditions it is a good idea to have your hearing tested every couple of years.

Hearing Loss and Chemotherapy

If you are about to undergo chemotherapy with cisplatin, it is a good idea to get a baseline hearing test to establish your hearing ability. You should then have hearing tests during and after your treatment. If you have had chemotherapy in the past and have not had a hearing test you should have one.

Hearing Loss and Smoking

If you smoke, you are more inclined to have a hearing loss, believe it or not, if you are a non-smoker who lives with a smoker. You are also more likely to have a hearing loss. Again, consider getting a hearing test. 

Exposure to Noise

If you are regularly exposed to noise either at work or play, you should be having your hearing tested on a regular schedule. Noise does terrible damage to hearing, damage that is wholly preventable. Protect your hearing by using hearing protection. 

Hearing Protection and Prevention

Hearing protection is essential in reducing the risk of noise-induced hearing loss, which is one of the most common reasons for hearing loss. This is simple stuff, wear decent ear protection when around loud noise, hearing loss from noise is preventable. When you think of noise you need to protect yourself from, don't just think power tools or industrial equipment. Think about concerts, sporting events and hunting as well. Hearing protection comes in many different forms that are suitable for different activities, we can help you out with suitable ear protection for your needs. ?

If You have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us on 01224 637255 or book an appointment online now. 


Are You Looking For A Hearing Test in Aberdeen or Inverness?

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